Empire Magic Collection, Number 10 by Empire Magic

Empire Magic Collection, Number 10 by Empire Magic
Empire Magic Collection, Number 10 by Empire Magic
Empire Magic Collection, Number 10 by Empire Magic
Empire Magic Collection, Number 10 by Empire Magic



Each Empire Magic Kit includes four easy-to-do tricks and illustrated instructions.

Includes: Magic Eggs and Scarf (a scarf is shown on both sides, and then... several eggs magically appear and are poured into a hat... finally, all the eggs disappear!), Floating Paper Clip (a paper clip is placed on a playing card. The magician then makes the paper clip float in mid air!) Magic Water Jug (the water in a vase is emptied, then amazingly, the water is emptied several more times!), and Magic Coin Box (a coin dropped into a box magically penetrates through the magician's hand!).

All are astounding tricks that are easy to do. Ages 8+